
Donorship's Unique Fee Model - Transparency and Flexibility at the Heart

At Donorship, we've designed our fee model with a dual focus: transparency and flexibility. We believe in keeping you informed and giving you the freedom to be part of our mission in a way that suits you best.

Here's how it works:

Dynamic Donation Fees: When you make a donation through the Donorship widget, a dynamic fee is applied to your contribution, ranging between 1% and 10%. This dynamic fee structure helps cover our operational costs and fuel our journey towards achieving our goals. By offering a variable fee, we ensure that we can continue to provide a top-notch giving platform while accommodating donors with different preferences and resources.

Affiliate Program Fees: If you're an affiliate in our program, you can earn commissions on donations made through your platform. The default fee for every affiliate is set at 1%, allowing you to benefit from this mutually beneficial partnership. It's a simple and fair way to earn while promoting charitable giving.

Flexibility in Fee Adjustment: Donorship retains the flexibility to change the fee structure at any time, and all details are outlined in our terms and conditions. We want to ensure that our fee model remains adaptable to evolving needs, all while maintaining clear and transparent communication.

Fully Transparent On-Chain Fees: What sets us apart is the transparency of our fee structure, which is fully visible on the blockchain. You can see exactly how much of your donation goes directly to the non-profit organization you're supporting. This level of transparency is a departure from traditional methods of giving, where donors often remain uncertain about where their contributions end up.

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