๐Ÿ’ฐHow to Become an Affiliate?

Our affiliate program offers the chance to earn on-chain commission and $DNR Points on every donation made on your platform.

Become An Affiliate

Go to our Website - https://donorship.io and navigate to the 'Become An Affiliate' section.

After you submit the information to become an affiliate, you will receive a recovery phrase in case you need access change the wallet address or website.

The default affiliate commission percentage is set at 1-5% and will be distributed (in ETH and AVAX) on chain with each individual donation, directly to the wallet provided. Partners can also choose to receive 0% to maximize non-profit revenue.

Affiliates receive $DNR points based on the amount of donations processed through their widgets. For every $1 donated on their widget, affiliates earn 10,000 $DNR point. The $DNR Points are credited directly to the affiliate's provided wallet address. To restore your affiliate ID, change your affiliate wallet address or change the default website/page, please reach out to us at ceo@donorship.io.

That's It! You're all set!

Now you can simply paste the HTML code generated into whatever you are building your website with. If you'd like more specific information on widget customization click here.

Last updated